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Stress and losing weight or why can't I lose weight?

through Biogo Biogo 05 Dec 2022 0 comments
Stress und Abnehmen oder warum kann ich nicht abnehmen?
  • What does stress do to us?
  • What "dose" of stress is safe?
  • What does stress have to do with weight loss?
  • How to rest?
  • How does relaxation help you lose weight?

For a healthy lifestyle, we often have a lot to do. We have to put a lot of work into planning and preparing meals. We spend several hours a week doing sports. We wonder why I'm not losing weight when I'm giving so much of myself. It turns out we forget about rest, which relieves stress and is an essential part of healthy living and weight loss.

Our body is programmed to regenerate regularly. We need a moment of quiet every day and a restful, long sleep at night. But a few times a year it's good for us to recharge our batteries for a longer period of time.

Each of us knows people who don't have time to rest in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. They sleep for three hours and every few years they go on vacation. And somehow they work. Well, somehow. Such a rush has deplorable effects on our body in the long run. Fatigue and constant apathy are only part of the problem.

What does stress do to us?

The body treated in this way is in a chronic Stress state. It reduces the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, leading to deficiencies and consequently weakening our immunity. The immune system does not react quickly enough to threats. It can also lead to autoimmune diseases.

Long-term stress is most commonly associated with heart disease. But it can also be the primary cause of thyroid disease, diabetes, intestinal problems, menstrual disorders and thus fertility disorders and much more.

What "dose" of stress is safe?

Stress itself is an integral part of our lives. It is a mobilizing factor that helps us in difficult situations. It is nothing more than the release of the right hormones: adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol at the right time. However, if the level of these hormones does not drop over a longer period of time, this is called chronic stress, which is caused by a long-lasting lack of relaxation.

What does that actually mean? Unknown. Everyone has a different "dose" of stress that is dangerous. The fact that our colleague has been working at full capacity for several years does not mean that after a month we will not feel the negative effects of such a life.

What does Stress to do with weight loss?

Stress is a chemical reaction that takes place in our body. Long-term elevated levels of adrenaline in the blood cause glucose levels to rise, which in turn can lead to insulin resistance and then type II diabetes.

Consistently high levels of norepinephrine, in turn, contribute to obesity because it causes hunger pangs, especially for sweets. And cortisol also causes the deposition of fatty tissue, especially in the abdominal area.

If you think you already know everything about losing weight, you've changed your diet, remembered physical activity and still haven't had any effects, it's time to look at your relaxation methods. Perhaps knowing how to reduce stress will turn out to be your way to lose weight.

How to rest?

As we already know, everyone's maximum "dose" of stress is different. Therefore, it is worth avoiding prolonged stressful situations. It is best to ensure daily, regular rest. It will be different for everyone: a walk, reading a light book, meeting friends, yoga or Pilates. One hour a day is usually enough to regenerate your strength. The only important thing is not to think about responsibilities during the process, not to plan the next tasks, to clear your head. Sometimes it's hard, but doable - practice makes perfect.

Let's add enough sleep. Most people talk about eight hours, but the length is really very individual. There are many techniques to combat insomnia and one of the most important is to calm down before bed. Turn off all electronic devices at least half an hour beforehand: computer, television, telephone. We tend to use them just before bed, which isn't good for our sleep quality.

Relaxing every day is very helpful, but not enough. In order to function properly, we need longer breaks from time to time. That's why we have holidays, public holidays, long weekends. Their quality is also very important. Whether they are lazy or active doesn't matter. It is important that you leave all your daily tasks behind for this time.

How does relaxation help you lose weight?

Besides the fact that stress disrupts the work of the endocrine system and causes body fat to accumulate, it also prevents us from focusing on what is really important. And as we lose weight, eating rationally is important to lose weight. When we relaxed are , our mind works differently than with chronic stress . Thanks to this we have the strength and motivation to prepare meals, we want to move, plan everything.

We often wonder how to start losing weight. Knowing about nutrition is only half the battle. We often know what to eat, what to avoid, we know the appropriate calorie content of the diet. In order for the effect to be visible, it only has to be ordered, organized and the inner motivation brought to the fore. And how does it work? As a first step, plan rest periods. Only with a calm, relaxed head will we get through the weight loss process and not give up for a long time.


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