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Turmeric - use not only in the kitchen

through Biogo Biogo 18 Nov 2022 0 comments
Kurkuma – Verwendung nicht nur in der Küche

Turmeric - use not only in the kitchen

Turmeric, also called Indian saffron or long turmeric, is sometimes referred to as the gold of India. It is most grown and consumed in India. It is also grown in China, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, among others. It has been used as a spice for over 2,000 years. Years. Today, turmeric is known, used and appreciated not only in the traditional cuisine of the Far East, but in almost every corner of the world. It is valued not only for culinary reasons and because of its exceptional taste, but also as an ingredient in natural cosmetics. In addition, the health-promoting properties of turmeric are increasingly appreciated. The effect of this extraordinary spice, as it turns out, is quite versatile. Why and when is it worth reaching for and are there any contraindications to its use?

Health Properties of Turmeric

Demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin are responsible for turmeric's intense yellow-orange color. It is curcumin that has health-promoting properties – antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-fungal and anti-viral. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory effect Turmeric effective in treating inflammation of muscles, joints and bones and providing relief from rheumatism.

Taking Turmeric-Based Supplements:

  • can bring relief and health improvement to people with gastrointestinal problems, such as indigestion, pancreatitis, and even cancer of the digestive system,
  • can be helpful for toothache and gingivitis,
  • can support the treatment of anemia because it contains a lot of iron,
  • can help alleviate the effects of colds such as sinusitis, fever, runny nose or cough,
  • may be helpful in lowering blood pressure and have an anti-atherosclerotic effect,
  • may help fight diabetes by lowering blood sugar levels,
  • it has a supportive effect on the nervous system, it is recommended for people suffering from depression, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, among others,
  • supports weight control by supporting the production of bile and the process of fat digestion.

Applied externally in the form of masks or compresses, turmeric can have the following effects:

  • antibacterial for abrasions, wounds and burns,
  • Relief of the skin with skin problems such as eczema, acne or psoriasis,
  • evening skin tone, delaying the aging process of facial skin, smoothing and anti-wrinkle .


Turmeric contraindications for use

When we are healthy, the best and easiest way to get turmeric into the body is to use it as a spice in the kitchen. To increase the amount, you can supplement turmeric in capsule or tablet form. However, the contraindication to consuming large amounts of turmeric is during pregnancy – turmeric can cause premature contractions of the uterus. Turmeric supplementation is also not recommended for people with gallstones and urinary tract obstruction, as well as people taking diabetes and taking blood thinners without first consulting a doctor, as turmeric can increase the effects of medications.


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