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Healthy habits from the Iberian Peninsula

through Biogo Biogo 24 Nov 2022 0 comments
Gesunde Gewohnheiten von der Iberischen Halbinsel

Tens of millions of tourists visit the Iberian Peninsula every year, attracted by the fabulous scenery, warm temperatures, culture and cuisine of the Portuguese and Spanish. The mentioned south-western part of Europe is also British Gibraltar and the Mecca of skiers, Andorra, but this article is dedicated in particular to Spain and Portugal and in particular to the routine of their inhabitants, thanks to which they enjoy long and healthy lives. According to Eurostat data from 2019, the average life expectancy of a Portuguese is 4 years longer than the average Kowalski, while that of a Spaniard is even 10 years longer (Portuguese - 71, Spaniards - 77, Poles - 67). These statistics are made up of many different factors that cannot be listed here, but both countries, although very different even within their borders, have a lot in common including healthy habits, both of diet and of life.

Good eating habits - what to eat?

The cuisine of the Iberian Peninsula is extremely diverse, but if we had to list its most characteristic ingredients, these would be: legumes, fresh fish and seafood, meat, wheat bread, rice, olives, almonds, fresh local vegetables, citrus fruits and wine. The most beneficial element of the cuisine of the southern countries are undoubtedly the olives and the oil made from them. Spaniards and Portuguese use it to flavor salads and roasts. We need fats to function properly. Consumption of olive oil, which is rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids, reduces the risk of lifestyle diseases, while excessive consumption of animal fats increases this risk.

Healthy eating habits - how to eat?

In addition, the inhabitants of the peninsula share the tradition of having lunch and dinner together, often spending hours doing so. It has long been known that rushed eating can contribute to weight gain and the development of cardiovascular disease, as well as increasing the risk of diabetes and stroke. Sitting around the table together, be it with friends or family, also has a positive impact on our mental health and strengthens the bond with our loved ones. Such a dinner, although plentiful and consumed late in the evening, has more health benefits (at least mentally) than harms.

Exercise is fun, exercise is fun!

Residents of the Iberian peninsula enjoy physical activity and consider it entertainment rather than a chore. Sport accompanies Spaniards and Portuguese from an early age – soccer after school, playing volleyball on the beach or simply long, quiet walks are part of the life of a typical resident of the peninsula. A man who, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, finds time for exercise that brings him joy is someone who cares about both physical and mental health. Daily, moderate physical activity affects better ability to control emotions, better work of the entire nervous system and improves well-being. If not for the body, at least for the mind, it pays to find the joy of movement within yourself.

Can you rest in the middle of the day?

Anyone who has spent at least a few days on the peninsula knows that there is not much going on between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Due to the hot climate there, the best time to take a break is when the sun is high in the sky. Then offices and banks close, shopkeepers close their shops, and everyone goes out for a quiet dinner. There is a stereotype that Spaniards always take a siesta for a nap. This is not entirely true. These two hours a day serve to regenerate, take a deep breath and talk to loved ones. When it gets a little cooler, you go back to work in a much better mood. What can this teach us? That it is worth finding a moment of relaxation during the day. A moment to consume and digest the meal carefully and escape the workload for a while.

Try to appreciate the beauty of what surrounds you

The Iberian Peninsula is a mecca for tourists because around every corner we can come across a different breathtaking view. We are enchanted by sea, mountains, vegetation and architecture. The locals are no less delighted with all this. Surrounding ourselves with what brings us joy is extremely important, especially in difficult moments in life. And it doesn't have to be cliffs in the Algarve or a sunset in Andalucia. Let us look for what is pleasing to the senses that are close to us. Be it a small apple tree, a mural decorating a gray building, or a pond in a park. And the Gozar!


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