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Expanded Amaranth

through Biogo Biogo 17 Dec 2022 0 comments
Erweiterter Amaranth


The story of Amaranth

It is one of the few plants with such a rich, centuries-old tradition. The oldest historical sources date the expanded amaranth to the 3rd century BC. For many years it was mainly used as an ornamental species that enriched rooms in an extremely attractive way with an interesting contrast of a vivid, intense purple flower and light green foliage. But even the Incas, Mayas and Indians were convinced of the beneficial properties of amaranth.

In later centuries, the fate of this unique plant changed like in a kaleidoscope: once it was considered sacred and was the basis of sweet honey-enriched pastries, another time - when the Spanish conquistadors discovered this - it was celebrated as the devil's herb amaranth - Pastries (e.g. tortillas) added prisoner's blood. Because of this, this unique species was on the brink of complete extinction - cultivation was also banned wherever the Christian religion was dominant. Thankfully, after many years of resentment, amaranth has returned to cuisines around the world — including European ones. Currently, in the 21st century, it is experiencing its renaissance. It inspires with its unique properties that should not be underestimated.

Expanded Amaranth, Properties?

Amaranth grains do not contain gluten - this is the first of numerous arguments that have decided that this plant enriches many recipes today. Among the numerous properties and advantages of expanded amaranth, the following should also be mentioned:

  • an excellent source of digestible protein,
  • supports the metabolic processes of the body,
  • a rich source of fatty acids that significantly enrich the diet,
  • Amaranth provides the body with many essential ingredients, including:
    • To demand,
    • Phosphor,
    • Magnesium,
    • Calcium,
    • Potassium,
    • vitamins (groups: A, B, C and E),
  • supports the peristaltic movements of the intestines - contains fiber that supports the work of the digestive system,
  • Thanks to the content of a full set of exogenous amino acids, it significantly delays the body's aging process - it has a positive effect on regenerative processes,
  • is an excellent source of energy - it contains carbohydrates, which are undoubtedly an essential part of the diet of people who work physically and mentally (a good nutritional supplement for athletes).

Who should use it?

The properties listed above largely already contain the answer to the question "For whom?" However, it is worth pointing out specific applications to highlight the benefits of expanded amaranth in a special way. So who can we recommend it to?

  • Allergy sufferers - amaranth does not contain gluten so it can be used by them and added to many recipes,
  • People for whom proper nutrition is important - expanded amaranth grains are rich in iron (very good bioavailability),
  • People who are under increased physical or mental stress (pupils, students, professionals, etc.),
  • people who study intensively and are constantly exposed to stress - expanded amaranth contains a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are a natural source of energy,
  • Anemia - the richness of fatty acids (polyunsaturated), as well as minerals and elements, helps to replenish macro and micro elements.

When to use?

Currently, we can find expanded amaranth on the market in many interesting forms, so it can be used for preparing breakfast and lunch as well as sweet afternoon teas and snacks. However, the most common are amaranth seeds, which are used, for example, in cooking, baking or steaming food. Not to be forgotten, however, is the special amaranth flour, which significantly improves the quality and taste of baked goods. In addition, thanks to him, you can remove from the recipe all the remaining chemical additives, which should improve the taste and tenderness of baking. Thanks to its properties, amaranth flour also extends the shelf life. It can e.g. when preparing pasta.

Example dishes:

  • Pancakes,
  • Cupcakes,
  • amaranth and vegetable soups,
  • Salads with the addition of amaranth.

Nutritional values of amaranth

Nutrition experts have hailed amaranth as the "harvest of the 21st century." This term is due to its unique properties, thanks to which it can perfectly influence the functioning of the human body.

Expanded amaranth seeds are a valuable source of substances, the optimal amount of which in the body ensures its proper functioning. The most important of these are easily absorbable proteins and fatty acids. The plant also has a large amount of fiber and vitamins and minerals that help balance the body.

The effect of each component of expanded amaranth on the functioning of the body is as follows:

  • Protein provides essential amino acids that affect many processes in the body. Importantly, the protein content in scarlet is much higher than in other cereals, fatty acids lower bad cholesterol, thereby significantly reducing the risk of problems related to the circulatory system,
  • Fiber improves intestinal peristalsis, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and cleanses the body,
  • Vitamins A and E contained in expanded amaranth reduce the risk of serious diseases such as Alzheimer's; B vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, support memory and let you enjoy the excellent complexion. Amaranth is also a treasure trove of antioxidants! Mineral ingredients such as iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium have a positive effect on meeting all the body's needs.

Examples of administration methods

Amaranth is a grain, so it's perfect for making preserves after mixing it with traditional flours. In this way it is possible to obtain bread that is rich in protein and at the same time extremely tasty. Amaranth can also be eaten just in seed form. so-called popping, i.e. amaranth in a popcorn-like form, is perfect as an addition to yoghurt or as a snack on its own.

On the other hand, lovers of more exquisite dishes can also use expanded amaranth to prepare tasty lunches or exquisite dinners. It is perfect for stewed dishes, as well as boiled and casseroles. On the shelves you can also find flour made from this grain, which can be used for all dishes that do not require gluten (so it is not suitable for baking bread and cakes).

How is it used in medicine?

Due to the excellent effect on the functioning of the human body, it is worth eating expanded amaranth not only for pleasure, but also for medicinal purposes. It's worth reaching for:

  • people suffering from diseases of the circulatory and skeletal systems,
  • pregnant woman,
  • Anämie,
  • Vegetarian,
  • seniors and convalescents,
  • people with a sensitive digestive system,
  • suffer from celiac disease
  • people with mineral deficiencies.

We invite you to our online shop with Amaranth an Extensible , rich in all the properties mentioned.


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