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Nettle properties and application

through Biogo Biogo 13 Dec 2022 0 comments
Brennnessel Eigenschaften und Anwendung


Stinging nettle is a common plant and is just as often associated with uncomfortable blisters, burning or pain after close contact with it. It occurs practically all over the world. It can be found in fields, meadows, forests and gardens. It measures about 40 to even 160 centimeters and flowers from June to October. It is a perennial plant and has a number of health-promoting nutrients that have been used in natural medicine for centuries.

Properties of nettle

nettle can be used in different forms. Various teas with or with nettles are available on the market. Extracts and essential oils are also popular, as well as salads with their use. However, if you're using it in a salad, remember to soak it in hot water beforehand to deactivate the toxins responsible for burning and pain. After such treatment, it is perfect as a food additive. Interestingly, it contains up to seven times more vitamin C than citrus, a similar amount of calcium as cheese, and up to three times more iron than spinach in the same amount. It can also be used in the form of leaf compresses for sore joints or muscles. Despite the blistering and burning effects, it has been scientifically proven to support the treatment of these conditions. It contains many B vitamins, but also vitamins K, A and essential oils. Nettle also contains minerals such as potassium, silicon, calcium, magnesium and iron. Like most leafy plant parts, it also contains: chlorophyll, tannins and amino compounds as well as phytosterols, particularly important for patients with elevated LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

The rhizome of this plant also contains a bouquet of chemical compounds that are good for our health. The most important of these are saccharides, tannins and sterols, which have a positive effect on fat metabolism. We can also find there amino acids necessary for the proper functioning of the body, flavonoids and a series of antioxidants used to slow down the aging process or the degeneration of the nervous system.

Nettle for better digestion

The infusions made from fresh or dried nettle leaves as all kinds of teas with their participation are leaders. It is helpful in speeding up metabolism but also in stimulating appetite. The cleansing effect of the digestive system is based on the removal of bile deposits and the beneficial effect on the functions of the liver, stomach and intestines. Nettle is used for diseases of the liver and digestive tract, for gastroenteritis and diarrhea.

Nettle owes its anti-inflammatory properties the formic acid contained in the stinging plant parts. This acid relieves joint and muscle pain. This also applies to rheumatic or arthritic pain.

Effects on the excretory system and kidneys

It has been shown that nettle infusions can effectively reduce the risk of kidney stones due to their diuretic properties. By increasing the volume of urine excreted by the kidneys. In addition, it facilitates its elimination from the body. In addition, dietary supplements and infusions from this plant help with inflammation of the urinary tract and bladder.

It is interesting that the substances contained in stinging nettle, like dill and alfalfa, can have a positive effect on the amount of milk in breastfeeding women.

effects on the skin

Thanks to its astringent and purifying properties, it is perfect for face masks or compresses. In this form, it dries bumps and closes pores. It is helpful for conditions such as: psoriasis, ringworm and inflammation of the skin including acne and more. Nettle extract is also an excellent disinfecting mouthwash. You can also massage the scalp with nettle infusion. This allows you to reduce the intensity of seborrhea and prevent the formation of excessive dandruff.


Supporting the treatment of asthma

The nettle infusion has an expectorant effect, thanks to which it can support the expectoration of mucus from the bronchi and trachea, which leads to the relief of bronchial symptoms or the relief of asthma attacks.

nettle and allergies

Due to the content of tyrosine derivatives, it is recommended for allergy sufferers. They have an antihistamine effect and can prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions in the body. However, do not overdo the amount, as the effect can be the opposite. Stinging nettle components applied directly to the skin in excessive amounts have been shown to trigger allergies. Nevertheless, this is relatively rare.

Nettle also has a health-promoting effect on back pain, but not only. Conditions such as gout lead to excessive accumulation of urate deposits in the joints or periarticular tissues. Infusions and supplements containing nettle leaf extracts can help reduce the amount of urate deposits, but also aid in their removal from the body.

The same applies to anemia. Due to the high iron content, nettle as a natural source can become an alternative to iron supplements. However, we should keep in mind that the iron contained in plant matter is not absorbed to the same extent as in animal tissue. Nonetheless, it increases the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes), which is important for improving blood counts, especially in cases of weakness and anemia. It can slightly lower blood pressure, but also blood sugar levels, and thus support the efforts of the pancreas (insulin), which can be helpful for diabetics. Due to the large amount of minerals and lactation support, it is also recommended for pregnant women.

One must not forget its significant impact on the treatment of prostate diseases. The European Commission and the European Scientific Cooperative for Phytotherapy (ESCOP) recommend the consumption of nettle infusions and extracts to prevent and support drug therapy for prostate hyperplasia in men. This is due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects. This is due to the chemical compounds found in nettle root, but also present in smaller amounts in the leaves. These are lectins and polysaccharides that inhibit aromatase activity. It is a key enzyme in the conversion of androgens into estrogens, i.e. male sex hormones into female ones. Decreasing the activity of this enzyme may help treat prostatic hyperplasia.


There are several instances where we should limit the use of nettle supplements. The first group are women struggling with diseases of the reproductive organs. We're talking about cancer, fibroids and bleeding. Also, remember not to use nettle supplements for a long time. Then they can be toxic to the liver and kidneys. It is worth mentioning here that patients with kidney diseases should definitely avoid nettles in their diet, but also those after surgical procedures.

Care should also be taken when harvesting the nettle as all its parts are covered with hairs that can potentially get stuck in our body and cause burns. This is due to the burning substances (histamine, acetylcholine, formic acid).


Stinging nettle is not only a weed or "sting plant" but also a source of potentially health-promoting substances. However, keep in mind that nettle infusions, oils, extracts or supplements cannot replace the right treatment on their own, but work perfectly as an adjunct to it. It is also worth including nettle in any form in your daily diet, in moderation, of course.


  1. Pieszak, PL Mikołajczak, Medicinal Properties of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.), “Advances in Phytotherapy” 2010, No. 4
  2. Jakubczyk K., Janda K., Szkyrpan S., Gutowska I., Wolska J., Nettle ( Urtica dioica L.) - botanical, biochemical properties and health-promoting properties, "Pomeranian Journal of Life Sciences"2015, No. 61
  3. medicinal plants. Cultivation and use Outlet Couplan François Lazaron Aymeric
  4. "Herbs in the garden and at home" Michał Mazik


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