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Asian Astragalus - Used in herbal medicine for thousands of years

through Biogo Biogo 01 Dec 2022 0 comments
Asiatisch Astragal - gebraucht aus Tausende Jahre in der Pflanzenheilkunde

Astragalus membranous or Astragalus membranaceusThis plant comes from Asia, traditionally valued and used herbal medicine Also Chinese, Mongolian, Japanese Indian for several thousand years. Features myself they properties supportive system immune human. Astragalus infusions I recommend taking myself during colds and infections. It strengthens the body, eliminates signs of tiredness and adds energy. Increasingly often I myself also appreciate its properties that help delay aging processes. Diet supplements available in Poland also contains Astragalus seed cultivated Astragalus. Let's see when and why. It's worth using this extraordinarily one plant.

Astragalus skin cultivation

TraditionalAstragalus  grows in the fields of Northeast Asia, and on a Scale industrially cultivated is the top of everything in China. In Poland, however, seeds are available that you can plant in the garden. But you can plant its flowers or roots only 4 years later.

Traganth - what kind has properties?

Astragalus membranous This is worth adopting prophylactically in the form of diet supplements. Its healthy properties are due to the fact that it is said to contain over 100 ingredients valuable to our health - nutrients, saponins, phytosterols, minerals, polysaccharides and antioxidants. We will find what we are looking for among other things: zinc, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, soda, acids: glucuronic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, as well as flavonoids and glycosides, coumarin and choline. Accordingly, yes rich composition Astragalus is one of the 50 healthiest Asian plants and assigns to it itself properties:

  • antibacterial,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • Strengthening system immunological,
  • Delay processes age myself,
  • reduce edema organs internally,
  • helping to lower blood pressure,
  • helping to reduce stress.

Targanek It works all around strengthen the body accelerates time convalescence, improves general well-being among relatively physically and mentally. Is helpful in time cold, flu when when we are struggling with sinus inflammation. Since indicates action lowering pressure helps prevent arise diseases layout circulation. Receiving supplements containing Astragalus I recommend myself Also people who complain about eating discomfort layout because it supports the process of digestion, especially Okay affects work and rest of liver.

Astragalus - Effects Page

Astragalus is a common herb but certainly no herb is allowed to be taken in greater amounts than according to package directions by the manufacturer's supplement diet. Astragalus available in powder form - a teaspoon of powder floods myself in boiling water and keeps taking home about 30 minutes. Within a day you can drink one of these infusions. If we will use Astragalus  As recommended, it will be a lot bring benefits to our health. Not recommended myself reception tragan in any figures pregnant women and mothers also breastfeeding people with diseases also autoimmune  hosts fears immunosuppressants.


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