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Aromatic fenugreek - discover its culinary and health potential

through Biogo Biogo 09 Nov 2022 0 comments
Aromatischer Bockshornklee – entdecken Sie sein kulinarisches und gesundheitliches Potenzial

Aromatic fenugreek - discover its culinary and health potential

Fenugreek is an herb also known as "Greek hay" or "God's grass". In powder form, it becomes a spice in the kitchen, especially popular in India, Sri Lanka, but also in the Middle East countries. Fenugreek is part of the popular curry spice mix. Its taste is bitter, but it pairs well with the tastes and aromas of other spices, especially paprika, coriander, and cumin. Fenugreek is added to soups, meats, sauces, hummus, fish, pasta and even salads.

Use in medicine and cosmetics

Fenugreek has been cultivated for centuries. To this day it is used in naturopathy, among other things, for disorders of the sugar balance, as it has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. The galactomannan contained in fenugreek slows down the absorption of glucose from food. While in Iran, among other places, fenugreek is used to support the treatment of eye diseases. However, these are not all properties of fenugreek. In addition, today it is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.


Fenugreek - healing properties

In addition to lowering blood sugar levels, the invaluable healing properties of fenugreek can help lower cholesterol levels, for example. It also stimulates bone marrow hematopoietic activity and helps increase red blood cell count. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Fenugreek extract may help fight bacteria like:

  • Staphylococcus aureus,
  • a piece of blue oil,
  • a piece of blue oil,
  • salmonella
  • vaginale Trichomoniasis,
  • Pneumonia bacillus

Fenugreek also improves digestion and relieves ailments like bloating and gastritis. It is also used for gastric ulcers. Fenugreek is also credited with relieving a sore throat, building muscle mass, lowering bad cholesterol, encouraging lactation after childbirth, and improving memory.


Fenugreek for hair? Great idea

Since fenugreek contains many valuable B vitamins (B6, B12) and minerals such as zinc and potassium, it has a very good effect on strengthening hair. An infusion of fenugreek rubbed into the hair stimulates hair growth and soothes scalp irritation.

And fenugreek for wrinkles and complexion? - it will work!

Fenugreek is also used to care for acne-prone skin. It is enough to apply 2 teaspoons of fenugreek in the form of a mask mixed with boiling water - it has a cleansing effect, improves and evens out the natural tone of the skin, smoothes wrinkles.

Natural and easily available products like fenugreek are appreciated by more and more people. Dietary supplements with this product are not particularly expensive and with regular use can improve our health and well-being.

Supports weight loss

Fenugreek has something called soluble fiber that helps with weight loss. As a result, large amounts of water accumulate in the intestines, which then swells in the stomach, delaying the absorption of carbohydrates and thus giving a feeling of satiety. Soluble fiber also assists the body in eliminating waste products and heavy metals and improves metabolism.


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