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Adzuki from the Far East - discover the properties of red soybeans

through Biogo Biogo 10 Nov 2022 0 comments
Adzuki aus Fernost - entdecken Sie die Eigenschaften roter Sojabohnen

Adzuki beans are becoming more and more common in our kitchens. It is not only delicious, but also very healthy because it contains many valuable vitamins and trace elements. Along with the flavor and aroma of this unassuming bean, we also find a significant amount of health-promoting properties. Due to the quite high content of easily digestible protein, adzuki is ideal for vegetarian and vegan dishes. Check out why it's still worth adding to the menu.

Adzuki beans have been cultivated in Asia for several thousand years. It is eaten most in Japan and China. The taste of the Asian delicacy is reminiscent of the well-known red beans with a strong and characteristic nutty-sweet aftertaste. However, red soybeans have far fewer calories than traditional red beans, and because they are slightly sweet, the Japanese create unusual desserts with them. However, they owe their popularity not only to their taste – above all, adzuki beans are very healthy.

Adzuki - properties of red beans. vitamin bomb

There are many great nutrients, vitamins and trace elements in these delicious little red beans that have an invaluable influence on our health and condition. Adzuki beans are rich in B vitamins and folic acid. Just 100 grams is enough to supplement 30% of the daily requirement of folic acid, which is why adzuki beans are particularly valuable for women planning a pregnancy. These red grains also contain calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, among other things. These micronutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of our body, especially the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Regularly adding beans to meals also helps improve the functioning of the urinary system. Adzuki beans are relatively low in calories and the dishes prepared from them are wholesome, rich in protein, fiber and vitamins. It is therefore particularly recommended for vegans and vegetarians. It can also aid in the weight loss process. Adzuki beans help prevent osteoporosis and also lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Adzuki beans not only in the kitchen

Adzuki beans are also used in cosmetics. Apparently, Japanese women “always” prepared a delicate scrub that whitens, nourishes and cleanses the skin of the face, and its preparation is very simple – just grind the beans in a traditional coffee grinder or possibly with a blender and add a little water. The paste prepared in this way is applied to the face and applied like a normal shop peeling. Soy proteins and zinc contained in beans have a positive effect on our skin and, with regular use, improve skin elasticity and even skin tone.

A red adzuki bean diet is perfect for everyone – pregnant women, menopausal women, diabetics, vegans or people on a slimming diet. It can be used to prepare healthy, tasty and filling dishes: mixes with vegetables, soups, pastas and even sweet desserts. Its health properties are invaluable, so it is worth including it in our diet on a permanent basis.


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