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How to strengthen your resistance? A trip to the kitchen after health

through Biogo Biogo 04 Dec 2022 0 comments
Wie zu stärken deine Widerstand? Ein Ausflug in die Küche nach die Gesundheit

Immunity and ways to improve it is still a very important and topical issue. No wonder, because we live in times that we could not have imagined two years ago. The coronavirus has added a new, even more important dimension to taking care of your health and immune system.

Summer immunity boost

Even though it seems the worst is behind us for now, specialists are warning of further waves of COVID-19. In addition to vaccination, the best way to protect yourself from the negative effects of the coronavirus is to build a strong immune system. And although we think less and less about illnesses in summer, now is the best time to strengthen the body's defences.

Contrary to what the supplement manufacturers would like us to believe, there are no magical, fast ways to boost immunity. This is a process that takes time and our patience. If we start now, we'll be ready to fight coronavirus and other diseases by fall.

Natural ways to improve immunity

To strengthen the body, three factors are particularly important: sufficient quality and length of sleep, moderate physical activity and proper nutrition. Check which ingredients and products should not be missing in your kitchen.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is I guess mostly associated with the immune system vitamin . They best provide signs in nature. Products with the greatest content This here vitamins it: black currant, wild pink, red pepper, parsley parsley, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower if kiwi. Heard but remember products that we should consume raw. Treatment thermal causes loss of most of the vitamin C contained in it. A good quick way to get a shot of vitamin C are juices, e.g. from sea buckthorn, chokeberry or raspberry. It is important to choose juices without cecum sugar, cold-pressed. They are not the tastiest but very effective.

Vitamin D

How important, if not more important, is increasing resistance Vitamin D. Very difficult to supply them with food. I mainly contain fatty fish marine and eggs also fortified foods such as spreads, some juices and vegetable drinks. Partly we can win I stay in the sun we can't however then use filter sunglasses. It is not this so recommended method. in our climate very often notes myself lack vitamin D, therefore Also recommends myself you supplement. Dose selection should take place after conducting blood tests.


Many spices that we add to food very beneficial to the health action. To strengthen your resistance , we should return special attention to garlic contains beneficial to us allicin , fresh ginger, turmeric if cinnamon Ceylon. It's worth it. Use them during daily prep meals. good idea are to infusions by adding some of them. It is important to particularly Garlic and Ginger Consume freshly sliced ​​gradually lose properties over time.

Decoctions cooked on the bones

Speaking of ways to get stronger organism can not skip soup. On the one hand, this is a good way to celebrate servings of vegetables (although cooked partially lose their beneficial properties), on the other hand, more important ingredients are minerals derived from bones. Decoctions particularly preferentially affect our intestines, which to a large degree they respond to efficiently working immune system. To use positive properties decoction in one hundred percent, we should cook it very slowly, at least 8 hours, very much free fire.

Take care today

Boosting immunity doesn't happen overnight, it's a long process. In the period his autumn winter have fun myself strong health think about it now. sleep go get bigger get light sport or at least take walks. And above all, all go to the kitchen and use it natural properties products food, which will help your resistance.


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