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Himalayan salt - when to use?

through Biogo Biogo 18 Dec 2022 0 comments
Himalaya-Salz – wann verwenden?

Origin of the Himalayan salt

As the name suggests, Himalayan salt is extracted from the Himalayas – the highest mountain range on our planet. It owes its purity to this, which results from the lack of contact with any impurities and thus exceptional health values. In addition, in its composition you can find up to 84 substances (minerals, electrolytes, elements) that have a very good effect on the functioning of the human body. Its unique properties are also influenced by the fact that it is not chemically processed in any way - Himalayan salt is sold exactly as it was mined from beneath the surface of the mountains.

How was Himalayan Salt made? Millions of years ago, the oceans dried up due to the influence of very strong solar energy. The crystal clear water evaporated, but its bottom was covered with a layer of natural salt, equally pure, which began to deposit. As a result of numerous tectonic processes, they were raised to very high altitudes and eventually settled in the mountains, where there is very high pressure. It is thanks to him that crystals with a unique structure began to form. Today, Himalayan salt is extracted from caves that were formed about 250 billion years ago.

After extraction from a depth of 400-600 meters, the Himalayan salt is rinsed with water and dried in the sun, and it is in this form that it reaches store shelves.

Characteristics of Himalayan salt

Salt is a very important ingredient without which the human body cannot function properly. The minerals it contains allow you to maintain balance, while their deficiency quickly leads to malaise, and as a result of long-term neglect - even serious illness.

However, it's worth noting that industrial, refined salt was hailed as the "white death" years ago. It's processed to be 97.5% the chemical sodium chloride, which is essentially devoid of any nutrients. In addition, this form disturbs the fluid balance and makes elimination more difficult, which leads to the development of cellulite, rheumatism, kidney stones or the gallbladder.

So it pays to get the best possible variety, namely crystal clear Himalayan salt. The product in its pure form is rich in minerals and has no negative effects on the human body. Extracted by hand from post-oceanic caves, the substance is raw and uncontaminated and undergoes no processing after extraction. This makes it free of toxins, natural and wholesome. The content of up to 84 minerals and trace elements provides the body with all the ingredients necessary for homeostasis. It owes its light pink color to the high content of micro and macro elements.

Another important point is the effect on cell pressure. The human body inherently tends to maintain the natural level of osmotic pressure, which means the proportionality between the amount of water and the mineral salts it contains. Studies show that their concentration in the human body is very similar to that in seawater. Therefore, the thesis is put forward that human cells have an encoded memory of the perfect salt of the primeval ocean. It is assumed that it can also have a homeopathic effect as a specific information carrier.

nutritional values

The high content of micro and macro elements is considered to be the greatest advantage of Himalayan salt. It contains up to 84 (out of 118 known to modern science!) minerals and trace elements, therefore it can have a great effect on the body and compensate for all the deficiencies that appear in the daily diet. It owes its light pink color mainly to the high iron content, but we also find in it many micro and macro elements that are so important for humans as Calcium, Zink, iodine and magnesium.

Equally important, all elements contained in crystal salt, as well as micro and macro elements, are present in very small particles, which translates into easy absorption by the human body and the possibility of metabolization. The high content and the excellent absorption of the ingredients make Himalayan salt an extremely popular part of daily nutrition as well as nurturing and health-promoting treatments (poultices, rinses, baths, etc.).

Suggestions for use

The product, which comes from crystal-clear mountain areas, is suitable for many areas - both to provide the body with all the necessary nutritional values and for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Himalayan salt is used in gastronomy as a spice that enhances the taste of dishes, while providing the body with many nutrients necessary for its proper functioning and replenishing deficiencies that appear in the daily diet. It can also be pita - in the form of traditional brine. Importantly, Himalayan salt crystallizes very quickly, so placing a cinnamon stick or grain of rice in a container or bag to absorb moisture is recommended.

This product is worth not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom. A detox bath is a great idea. The skin is the largest human organ, so it is worth betting on the absorption of minerals in the form of ions in this way. From a medical point of view, the body-cleansing effect of a brine bath is comparable to a three-day fasting cure.

Another way to use this unique raw material is inhalation, as well as using a solution with water as a skin tonic with refreshing properties.

In addition to domestic use, Himalayan salt is also used in cosmetics due to the possibility of moisturizing and refreshing the skin, as well as for health purposes, for decoration and even for neutralizing electrosmog.

Used in medicine and cosmetics

Due to the high nutrient content, Himalayan salt has an excellent effect on the functioning of the human body. However, besides the overall effect, we can distinguish many specific health benefits resulting from its use in diet, detox baths or other treatments.

These include:

  • regulation of blood pressure
  • regulation of the amount of water in the body,
  • prevent muscle cramps,
  • bone strengthening,
  • respiratory support,
  • elimination of infections of the throat and mouth (rinses),
  • support the work of the sinuses,
  • fight against insomnia,
  • regulation of blood sugar levels,
  • Influence on improving the work of the heart,
  • pH - balance in the body cells,
  • antibacterial effect,
  • Dissolution of deposits in the body and thus treatment of kidney and gallstones,
  • cell growth in the living layers of the skin and activation of the energy flow (thanks to baths),
  • reduction of skin diseases, including e.g. psoriasis, mycosis or acne,
  • detoxification of the body from heavy metals,
  • alleviation of intestinal disorders as a result of maintaining the content of food,
  • regulation of the work of the thyroid gland, and therefore metabolism (thanks to the large amount of iodine),
  • Treatment of joint diseases, help with rheumatic and gynecological diseases,
  • strengthening the body's immunity,
  • possible support of the slimming process (nutrient balance reduces cravings for sweets and salty snacks, and the body is well hydrated).

In cosmetics, too, Himalayan salt is perfect for caring for the body from the outside. Treatments with it are perfect for exfoliating dead epidermis, leaving skin looking healthy and radiant. The product is also great for combating dry skin. It can be used as a component of scrubs, as well as a refreshing and even anti-acne tonic. Wraps and baths with the addition of Himalayan salt also improve skin firmness and help get rid of cellulite. They are also great for muscle recovery after intense exercise.


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